Monday, December 19, 2011

pg 23-46: The Crucible (end of act 1)

Abigail wanted to escape the blame for dancing in the woods but she had to find someone to put in the hot seat so she sacrificed Tituba, who in turn blamed other people in Salem.

"Mr. Parris, you are the first minister ever did demand the deed to this house...But to ask ownership is like you shall own the meeting house itself..." pg 28

I feel that this quote reveals minister Parris to bea greedy and sligtly corrupt person. To demand the deed to the meeting hall so he can own it show how possesive he can be and also reveals his need to have control over the meetings taken place there.

I feel that his ownership of the house might possibly be important later on, since it is where towns folk gathe to discuss political issues. I'm sure the subject of the 'witchcraft' running amock in the town will soon seep into the discussons in the meeting house.

Level Question:
In a time of wide spread hysteria how would you justify willingly sacrificing your fellow neighbor to save yourself?


  1. If it were to save mine, then it depends. Witch craft and politics are not a good combination.

  2. It is common sense to save yourself rather than to stop the hysteria. Justification is simple, no one wants to be accused or convicted of witchcraft. Those convicted during this time period would lose not only the respect of the town but all property, must pay fines and even have a pardon from the law. Loosing property is one thing but the blame last even in death, one’s guilt, in the eyes of society is endless, not even death can escape it.
