Thursday, December 22, 2011

pg 77-94 (Act 3): The Crucible

John Poctor wants to clear his wife's name in court but judge Danforth is too delusional with the idea of witchcraft to hear him out so all the girls who condemened more than 70 people are called into the court.

"Now, Mr. Proctor, before I decide whethe I shall hear you or not, it is my duty to tell you this. We burn hot fire here; it melts down all concealment." pg 82-83

I found the quote from the play extremely ironic due to all the happenings in the court thus far. When judge Danforth says the court burns all conealment he means no lies can be told in the court yet Abigail and her motley crew have been screaching lies in the court since their dance in the woods.

Judge Danforth seems like a character that has a good judment of people, but I feel the times and the heavy opinion of he public is weighing down upon him so much that he can't make a decent decision without fearing th scorn of Salem.

I feel that since he has already condemned and hanged so many people for 'witchcraft' to be proven wrong and made a fool of would hurt his reputation which is of course something he does no want.

Level Question:
Is the opinion of the public helping mold Judge Danforth's opinion in the court?

1 comment:

  1. yes, I think it is because he seems to react to the peoples expressions and reactions towards things. In a way I think he just tries to please the majority of the people. If in a way he sort of believes that the girls were just pretending he still might be sentencing people because of fear that he might be accused also.
