Monday, January 2, 2012

pg 111-134 (Act 4): The Crucible

The court wants John Proctor to confess to dabbling in witchcraft but he is admant is saving his name so in he end he is hanged for it.

"He have his goodness now. God forbid I take it from him!" pg 134

Throughout te whole play I think that John was striving for a way to be god gain, to cleanse himself of his sins, an at the very end of the play he finds a way to do so.

The church taking 'conessions' from the people accused of witchcraft shows that they know that innocent people have been hanged and accused. The only reason all the peple aren't being set free is to uphold the court's autority and reputation among he citizens in Salem. Pride rom the cout is what is helping hang all he innocent people, but in the nd pride is also what helped save John Proctor's soul.

Level Question:
Would you falsely confess to some supposed sinsyou've committed in order to save your life?

1 comment:

  1. I would if me not confessing were to get me killed. I would try to save my life, even if my name was ruined, there would be the option of moving away afterwards and trying to start all over. I believe that Proctor should have just confessed because he has kids and his wife which was pregnant. They still need their dad and she needs her husband, he should've considered that.
