Monday, January 2, 2012

pg 95-111 (Act 3): The Crucible

John Proctor wanted to prove to the court that Abigail is a harlot set out for vengeance against his wife, but her hysterics help sway Judge Danforth, so Abigail is seen as a saint once again.

"Elizabeth tell the truth! —Elizabeth, I have confessed it! —Oh god!" pg 105

This scene was really sad an dissapointing to me. I know that Elizabeth was trying to protect John's name by not admitting that he comitted adultery, but she unknowingly blew their chance at salvation.

Abigail at this point in the play has to be the greatest actress o her time, I hope that karma strikes he down for all the innocent people she has condemned and for all the outright lies that she has told.

Level Question:
How would Elizabeth admitting Abigail to being a harlot have changed the outcome of that day in court?

1 comment:

  1. I think that if Elizabeth would've admitted that Proctor had an affair with Abigail, it would've given Proctor a bad name but at least he would've been more credible to the judge. It also would have made the court lose trust in Abigail and her accusations.
